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Shickley Public School

Elementary School


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Learning How to be a Great Student


Part of being a great student is knowing exactly where everything is in your desk.  The students clean their desks and area often so that they can find the items quickly throughout the day.  We also sanitize the desks inside and out to combat any lingering germs.  

The students enjoyed eating gum for part of Wednesday's afternoon as they earned the letters "Eat Gum."  They voted on what they wanted to work for next and they chose having a "Show and Tell" so that they can show their friends a special item from home.  They have already earned 7 letters in the last two days!  We have also been diligently working on our doubles facts through IXL- (work on Letter E1-E3 if you would like)  and by saying our "Doubles Rap."  Each doubles fact has actions to accompany it so it would be great if the children would practice this at home.  I have included it below.


It's the Doubles, Baby, here we go, here we go!

It's the Doubles, Baby, and we start with 0.

0+0=0                   Ooooh!   (Large 0 with their arms)

1+1=2                   Ewwwww!  (hands around eyes)

2+2=4                   More!         (sign language for more...fingertips and thumbs touching, then touch the tips together)

3+3=6                   Kicks!         (kick)

4+4 = 8                 That's great!  (OK sign with fingers)

5+5 = 10                Again!      (Clap in an upward fashion and twirl arms around and around)

6 + 6= 12               That's swell!          (Sweep up from high to low, then across body)

7 + 7 = 14              Let's lean!            (arms against body , then lean to one side)

8+8 = 16               Not me!            (Shake your head no and point to self)

9+ 9=. 18              Jelly bean!     (both hands form a circle- part of the 9's body- then put the circles on top of each other to make the 8 in 18..... then eat the jelly bean)

10 + 10 = 20.         That's plenty!     (Cross your hands in the air, then sweep them down and out away from the body)

This rap helps them connect a movement and a saying with the correct answer.