Here are some pictures (not great ones) of our experiment on how light can penetrate objects. They had to choose as a team if the light could go through an object and how much of it went through. They loved . . .
Watercolor Painting!
The students celebrated the 100th day of school on Thursday by moving their bodies to brain breaks, counting to 100 in multiple ways, designing their "bucket list", and working on a special math . . .
Christmas Crafts!
To say that we worked hard this week is an understatement! We took two Map Growth tests, which are very exhausting for the students, and we made all of these items on our bulletin board. We wrote our Santa letters . . .
Time to Organize!
One of the first grade goals is to learn how to be an organized student. In order to do that, the students must know where everything is at in their desk. We periodically spend some time reorganizing it and they are always . . .
Camp Out 2024!
Here are some of the pictures from our Camp Out Days! The students had fun reading in style and comfort!
Halloween 2024!
Halloween 2024! The students worked hard throughout the day so that they could participate in the annual Halloween parade to the businesses. Then we enjoyed celebrating the holiday in our room with some . . .
Chromebooks are here!
The students just received brand new Touch Screen Chromebooks! Our iPads were not compatible with Amira, which is a program that complements our new Into Reading program. They were absolutely thrilled that it worked . . .
Grandparent Helpers!
Grandma Carol Grote, Grandpa Larry Paul, and Grandma Mary Paul have started to listen to students read during our independent reading time! We are so blessed to have them help us learn!
Busy! Busy! Busy!
The first graders have been super busy this week! In reading we have been focusing on the "heart" words put, push, was, of, you, for, or, many, one, and find. Our Structured Literacy block consists of . . .
Getting Back into the Routine!
The first graders have been learning our schedule, expectations, and rules for each area in the school. We are working on the short vowel sounds (i, o, u) and how to write many letters correctly. The students are counting the . . .
1st Day of First Grade
Here are some adorable pictures of our first week of school! The students are learning the rules for each area of the school as well as the classroom. They have been working on the first two days of our new . . .
Last Day of School Pictures!
It's our last day of school for the first graders! Have a great summer!
More Summertime ideas!
If you want your child to count money throughout the summer, here is your game! Simply place muffin cups into a muffin pan and write different amounts of money in each with a marker. The student must place assorted coins in each . . .
Field Trip 2024
The first and second graders enjoyed their time at the Hastings Museum. The first graders listened to an interactive presentation about the Pawnee Indians. They had a chance to design a slap bracelet with Native American . . .
Summer websites and activities
First grade students: Click on the link provided to see some top reading apps for K-2nd grade. Reading Apps Here are some top math apps. Math Apps Also, here are some activities for you to . . .
Grandparents are Coming!
The students have been working hard on their grandparent stories. They are learning what a topic sentence is and then stating three ideas centering around that topic while using the sequencing words first, next, and . . .
100th Day of School Activities!
The students had a chance to learn about a Robotics Club from Trinidi Oswald in the main gym. She did a superb job of presenting the information and they watched a couple of robots as they moved around that the team . . .
Stained Glass Windows 2023
The students worked very hard on making their stained glass windows for Christmas! I wanted to show you all of the crafts that we have been making this week. They turned out beautifully! . . .
Spelling Practice
The students had the opportunity to teach each other for our spelling practice. One of the students read the spelling words for their friend to write. They were encouraged to say, "Good Job" . . .
Reading in Comfort!
If you need proof that your children are working hard at reading, here it is! The students earned the privilege of bringing a pillow, blanket, and stuffed animal to read with during our . . .
Popcorn Galore!
The students finally earned a popcorn with M & M's today! They watched how trash is recycled into new products and how "Going Green" helps our planet. They also watched and learned about the Declaration of . . .
Halloween Poetry!
The first grade students have been working a lot on understanding rhyming words. We are now creating our own silly Halloween poems with a friend! They have learned the process on how to organize a . . .
Volunteers Galore!
Grandma Carol Grote and Brixtyn Grandpa Larry Paul with Ryleigh Para Nicki Howe with Axton Grandma Mary Paul with Hallie The first graders were absolutely thrilled when they saw everyone who . . .
Writing Time!
The students have been working hard on their journals. They use an idea catcher to quickly draw any ideas that they have. Then they write and draw their story in their journal. The students have learned how to . . .
Rhyming Time!
Our class has been reviewing the letters and their corresponding sounds for the past few weeks. They have also been matching the capitals and lowercase letters with their partner. The students have spent some . . .
Balloons Galore!
Default Hyperlink Text The students earned letters to spell the word Balloon during the past two weeks. To earn a letter the children must all work hard during our class instruction. They may also earn letters by . . .
Matching Capitals and Lowercase Letters with a Partner!
One of our partner activities is to match up the capital letters with their lowercase letters and then put them in the correct order! They are also learning how to work and communicate well with their partner.
2023-2024 First Day of School!!
Here are the first day of first grade pictures! We have had a fantastic couple of days in getting to know each other and gradually getting into our routine. The students drew their self-portrait and what they love to . . .
1st / 2nd Grade Field Trip to Hastings Museum
The 1st and 2nd graders went to the Hastings Museum for our annual field trip. They learned about the planets and sun during our planetarium show, watched a "Superpower Dogs" in 3-D at the IMax, and then listened to a . . .
I Am Special Books!
The students are creating their "I Am Special" books for each other. They each write a sentence about what makes each person special and then hand delivers their strip to that person. The person on the receiving . . .
Special Listeners Really Make a Difference!
Grandma Mary Paul listens to Gabe read. Grandpa Larry Paul watches over Lane closely. Grandma Carol Grote enjoys listening to Dusty read. These special community . . .
Painting in First Grade
The first graders earned the privilege to use watercolor paints today! It was a nice change of pace!
Alphabetizing in First Grade!
The first graders have been alphabetizing words by their first and second letters. This entire process takes many steps to follow and a lot of listening on their part! Everyone was working hard at remembering all of . . .
Christmas Crafts!
I thought that you might enjoy looking at our poinsettias and stained glass windows that the students made in first grade! They have been very busy! Thank you for all of your donations to the Blue Valley Community . . .
IXL and Balloons!
Our first graders started working with data in our enVision math curriculum. We used IXL to practice more on the concept. The students finally earned the privilege to play with . . .
Halloween poetry!
One of the responsibilities of the student of the day is to teach the letter clusters, morning corner, and review the classroom and Longhorn Way rules. The pictures below show the students working in pairs on their . . .
Camp Out Day!
Here are just a few of the pictures from our Camp Out day! The students loved reading their books in comfort during our independent reading block. We are now working towards earning the letters for the . . .
First Popcorn Party!
The first grade students had to work very hard as a team to earn all of the letters for a popcorn party and a 10-minute movie! They watched a YouTube video called "Getting Along with Others - Wigglebottom Story, which helped . . .
First week of First Grade 2022-2023
The first graders have been working hard on learning the rules of the school as well as the classroom. We are reviewing the sounds and letters of the alphabet by putting the letter tiles in order. They are . . .
Learning How to be a Great Student
Part of being a great student is knowing exactly where everything is in your desk. The students clean their desks and area often so that they can find the items quickly throughout the day. We also . . .
Homecoming Week!
I thought this was an great picture of the children's costumes for Homecoming week! They enjoyed dressing up and seeing what everyone else wore. They are rapidly learning how to work hard and how to listen attentively . . .
Camp Out with Books!
The students thoroughly enjoyed reading with their special blanket and pillow today! They made themselves very comfy and then focused on their reading assignment. Thank you to all of the parents for . . .
Writing about our summer!
The students used a circle map to draw out important events that happened during the summer. Then we brainstormed ways to start our stories about their summer so that everyone could choose their first sentence. The . . .
Alphabet Tiles
The first graders have been putting their alphabet tiles in order daily. They first sort them by vowels and consonants and then they put them in alphabetical order as quickly as they can. They have learned to point to the . . .
First Day of First Grade!!
Here are a couple of pictures of our first day of school as first graders! They are such a wonderful group of students! We learned many routines, such as how to line up in a different order each day, depending upon . . .
Flashlight Experiment!
The first grade students are learning about how materials can block light. They conducted an experiment, which had 3 stations, and figured out how much light passes through each item. They also discussed their . . .
100th Day of School Projects!
Wow! The students did an awesome job of creating some masterpieces out of 100 items! I am so impressed with their creativity!
January update!
The first graders have been learning a lot about Martin Luther King, Jr. They have listened to multiple biographies and watched a few videos about his life. They are currently writing about their dream for the world. In . . .
Shickley FFA and the First Graders!
The Shickley FFA members and the first graders collected many items to be donated to the Blue Valley Community Action Program. The children learned that there are many people in need, especially during the holiday season. . . .
Stained Glass Windows
The first graders made poinsettias and stained glass windows to celebrate the holiday season. They had a lot of fun coloring their stained glass windows, which is made out of Saran Wrap, Reynold's Wrap, . . .
Our Week!
The first grade students have been learning so much this week. We learned how to navigate the bookmarks on an Ipad, find Google Classroom, take a picture and submit it to Classroom, and how to get on Zoom . . .
Halloween Party!
1 Here are our first grade Halloween pictures! Our costumes were creative, varied, and extremely cute! Two of our students, who are both named Brantley, surprised themselves by wearing the same firefighter . . .
Halloween Poems!
The students have learned how to write Halloween poems as a group and are now working with friends to practice their new skill. They also had the opportunity to collaborate with our online . . .
Dance Monkey
If you need a chuckle, play "Dance Monkey" from GoNoodle and let them go! Here's the link. I hope that it works for you! . . .
Alliteration sentences!
The students have been learning about alliteration in our Wonders Reading program. They tried making some "wacko" sentences with the help of a friend. Once . . .
The students have been learning how to work hard and use their time efficiently in class. They are also working on becoming more independent and responsible learners. They earn a letter to make the word "Popcorn" . . .
Letter Tiles!
The first graders are very busy practicing their letters and sounds every morning in multiple ways. One of the ways is to organize their letter tiles. They are gradually improving their speed and then we make . . .
1st Day of School with Covid Restrictions
Here is our first day of school with our masks on! The students are doing surprisingly well adjusting to the new "normal." We are already making progress as we worked through our first day of reading and did part . . .
The first grade students enjoyed making a lava lamp out of oil, water, food coloring, and a denture cleaner. They were amazed that vinegar could errode the shell of an egg. We also made colored swirls in milk by add . . .
The students have learned a lot about Abe Lincoln and George Washington. They will be comparing and contrasting their lives this week by using a Venn diagram. The pictures below are just some of the wonderful . . .
Valentine's Day Poems!
The students have been writing Valentine's Day poems with a partner. They have enjoyed making them as silly as they can be. We have written 17 pages so far for our . . .
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The students have been learning many things about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They have learned about the Civil War and what events happened as a result of the war. All of . . .
Blue Valley Donations!
The students were excited that they collected so many items for Blue Valley! We have been focusing on helping other people and how fortunate we are to have a loving and caring family to support us. The second . . .
Stained glass windows
The students worked hard making their stained glass windows out of plastic wrap and tin foil. They were very proud of how gorgeous they turned out! We also made poinsettias yesterday, which . . .
Dictionary Work
The students are learning how to find words in a dictionary by using the guide words. They worked very well together and were able to combine their knowledge to find which page number each . . .
Our Reading Helpers!
Here are just a few of the wonderful helpers who come to listen to us read! If you see them in the community, please thank them for their generosity of time as they are truly making a difference . . .
Halloween costumes!
Thank you to the moms who provided us with healthy treats, drinks, plates, and napkins for our Halloween party! The students had a wonderful time trick-or-treating at the local businesses. There were about 90 . . .
Making Shadows
In science we are learning about light using our new Science Dimensions series. We made a prism using a clear glass measuring cup, water, and bright light. They learned how light can help us see things in the dark and how . . .
Obstacle course for math!
Some of the students need additional practice on saying the next number after the one presented. To make this a more enjoyable experience, the students pair up and walk through several obstacle courses around the . . .
Mrs. Nolt often comes in to help us learn how to read during independent reading time. Here she is helping Baylor understand how to use the Accelerated Reading app on the I-Pad. (First . . .
Venn Diagrams!
The students have been learning how to use Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast things. Here, they discussed with their partner how they were the same and different from each other.
Peer Teaching
Part of first grade is learning how to be an independent and self-motivated learner. In order for the students to learn these valuable life-long skills, I teach the students how to teach each other. We also learn how . . .
Popcorn! Interactive Notebooks!
The students earned a popcorn party by working together and demonstrating proper classroom behavior! While eating their treat the children watched educational videos that correlated with what I am teaching in reading and / or . . .
The students finished their math and then worked on the NEW i-pads! They were very excited to see that they were larger and easier to use! We are learning how to read, write, and spell number words to . . .
First day of first grade!
The first graders had a wonderful day, which started out by listening to a motivational speaker, Demoine Adams, at Davenport. Mr. Adams, a former Husker football player, inspired the . . .
Field trip!
The students had a blast at the Hastings Museum! They learned about sea monsters of Nebraska, watched a planetarium show called "The Little Star that Could", dug fossils, learned all about how Kool-Aid was . . .
I Am Special!
We are making "I Am Special" books for each other! They have to write a note to each other stating why each friend is extra special. They have to get it 'approved' by Mrs. Nelson and then . . .
What to Do in the Summer
What Can I Do in the Summer? Read, read, and read some more! I can’t overemphasize how important it is for your child to read every day for at least 15-20 minutes! It will make a huge . . .
Sound Cards
Sound cards (Make flash cards--put answer on back) Front Back (answers for you) . . .
IMG_2662.MOV Here is a very short video of the students doing their brain break! Our independent reading time lasts for 30 minutes so the students are ready to let their brains relax after that. We . . .
3-D Shapes!
In math the first graders are learning about 2-D and 3-D shapes as well as vertexes, edges, and faces. In order to figure out how many faces are in each shape, they spread out in the room . . .
The students are tested every 5 days on the Wonders Reading content. In order to truly assess what they each know, we use student carrels. These are wonderful as they keep distractions down to a minimum. When they are . . .
Abe Lincoln or George Washington
The students worked in pairs to compare and contrast the lives of George Washington and Abe Lincoln. They were able to collaborate and discuss their thoughts and then figure out what to write on the Venn . . .
Valentine's Day party!
The students had a blast at our Valentine's Day party! We ate our delicious treats and drank our juice box. Thank you to all of the parents who . . .
Valentine Holders
The first graders made our Valentine holders today. We used paper sacks to cut out 2 heart shapes. Then we stapled them together, which was difficult for many of the students. They also paper punched the edges so that . . .
Summer Ideas!
Here are some additional ideas that you child could do during the summer. Have your child do IXL on a device or computer. They know their username and password. Practice counting to 120 by ones. Count by . . .
About Candi Nelson
SHICKLEY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DISTRICT #54 SHICKLEY, NEBRASKA Name: Candi Nelson: 1 st grade Email Address: College(s) Attended: Nebraska . . .