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Shickley Public School

Elementary School


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Summer Ideas!

Here are some additional ideas that you child could do during the summer.

  • Have your child do IXL on a device or computer.  They know their username and password. 
  • Practice counting to 120 by ones.  Count by 2's to 50.  Count by 5's to 100.  Count backwards from 18.
  • Write a letter to grandma, a relative, or a friend.  
  • Write notes back and forth to your child to practice their writing and spelling.
  • Practice the spelling words on the school website that I posted.
  • Sort coins into pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.  Count assorted amounts using their hundreds chart.  Have them find another way to show that amount.
  • Practice reading their textbook that is being sent home as we are getting a new reading series.
  • Tell time periodically throughout the day with an analog clock.
  • Write a creative story in their journal.  
  • Have your child retell a story that they are reading.