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Shickley Public School

Jr-Sr. High School


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8. Spanish Literature



1.  Works in General 

2.  Works of Cervantes

3.  Audio of Literary and Musical Works

4.  Other Famous Authors

5.  Lighter Reading, Biographies

6.  Biographies


http://luis.salas.net/index.htm Luis Salas Online collection of Spanish poetry. Site is in Spanish.

http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/ciberletras Ciberletras This online magaine is dedicated to the critique of Spanish and Latin American Literature

http://www.elcastellano.org El castellano A site dedicated to Spanish language. Here you will find not only grammar and vocabulary but also discussion and debate about the Spanish language and its development.


http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/quijote/      This is the most complete authoritive addition of Don Quijote.

www.cvc.cervantes.es/portada.htm Centro Virtual Cervantes (in Spanish) Search engine?

www.csdl.tamu.edu/cervantes The Cervantes Project (search engine?)

http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/cervantes/english/links/span_cerv_links.html This is a FANTASTIC site with many links (and explanations of the links) regarding not only the complete works of Cervantes, but Spanish in general.


www.cervantesvirtual.com/bib_voces/bibvoces.shtml Listen to Spanish authors and musicians (also non-Spanish), including a reading of Don Quixote.


www.internetaleph.com Life and work of Jorge Luis Borges (In Spanish) Featuring 250+ categorized links, recent news, reading suggestions and an introduction for beginners

www.spanisharts.com "The History of Spanish Literature"; Pictures, information and reproductions of items from the museum "El Prado" and other museums--Take a trip! VERY INTERESTING

http://rehue.csociales.uchile.cl/rehuehome/facultad/publicaciones/autores/silva/jasilva0.htm Information about José Asunción Silva (born in Colombia); also links to his biography, poetry and prose

www.um.es/tonosdigital An online magazine dedicated to the study of tones and social language

www.themodernword.com/gabo Gabriel Garcia Marques: information on this famous Colombian author and his works can be found here.

www.literaturas.com/v010/index0403.asp?scroll=yes Literaturas discover numerous authors of the 20th and 21st centuries through their works, biographies, interviews and more.

www.literatura.org Literatura Argentina Choose the author of interest, read online stories, or chat with others interested in literature. If you are interested in Argentine writers don't miss this site.

http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk   An incredible amount of different links from the University of Cambridge regarding the study of ANY of the classics, in relation to the following categories: literature, philosophy and science, history, art history and architecture, linguistics and philosophy, and general information.


www.caslt.org/research/sp.htm CASLT (from Canada) has MANY links to exercises (especially verbs), Spanish listening and pronunciation activities, teaching Spanish through music and actual Spanish lyrics (has MANY), and reading actual stories and books (children through adult) *

www.lonweb.com Languages-on-the-web This site has parallel texts from English to 55 different languages (Many are short stories about a private investigator, Daisy Hamilton); also many links for each language *

www.uebersetzung.at/twister International collection of tongue twisters 2649 different entries in 104 languages *

http://www.multcolib.org   VERY light reading--interactive...interesting to try--for niños: games, stories, songs...


http://www.biografiasyvidas.com Biographies of 3000 famous historical people—all in Spanish (VERY INTERESTING)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famous_Spanish_people List of and information about (in English) of famous Spanish people, past and present; can expland at home page to include beyond Spanish…(Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia.)